My Fitness Truths!

NOTE: My website has moved.  Click HERE to be transferred. 

These are my personal truths about how I feel about fitness. Some of them I’d happily yell from the rooftops, and a couple are my little secrets.

  1. Running is my medicine.  It allows me to burn off stress and keep my spirits up.  I start to feel really lethargic and out of sorts if I don’t get to run.
  2. I really don’t like resistance training.  I do it because I know it’s good for me, but it’s not my first choice.  Oh, and I need guidance/instruction, otherwise I’ll cut it short.
  3. I’m really thinking about quitting my gym.  I don’t think I get my money’s worth.  I prefer to run outside, and there are so many great exercises you can do at home with minimal equipment! Plus, then I can try some ad hoc classes and not feel guilty.  I think fitness should be convenient and affordable!
  4. Looking good is half the battle. I’m more inclined to workout if I have a cute (but functional) outfit.  I’m embarrassed to say that how the shoe looks sways my purchase.
  5. I don’t want to do a full marathon. 13.1 was more than enough for me.  I think I’ll stick with that, thanks 🙂
  6. I’m scared that pregnancy will take my fitness away from me and I’ll never recover.  I’ll be so sleep deprived and ragged that I’ll never bounce back.  I’m also worried that people will think I’m shallow for being scared about that.  Good thing I have a couple of years to come to terms with this!
  7. I’m intimidated by all the awesome fitness bloggers who seem to run so FAST and for so many miles!  Sometime’s I’m embarrassed by my 9-10 minute miles.
  8. Oh, and my #1 fitness truth?  I NEVER regret a workout 🙂

This post is inspired by Fit Bottomed Girls.  I found the exercise to be very cathartic, and somewhat challenging.  Regular exercise and staying fit are so ingrained in my life that I don’t often stop and think about what fitness means to me.  So thank you for the opportunity!

Please share your reactions below, and check out other FBG’s truths!